Getting Started with the Course
- Getting Started With the Cours
Induction Form
Registration Entry Form
Qualifications Specifications
- Focus Awards Level 4 Certificate for Higher Level Teaching Assistants (quals)
Assignment Preparation Guideline
- Assignment Preparation Guideline
- Beginners Guide to Referencing
Guideline for Observation
- Guideline for the Observation Session
Unit 01: Professional Knowledge and Development for Higher Level Teaching Assistants
Study Materials
Lo1: Understand What a Higher Level Teaching Assistant Is and What Is Required of a Higher Level Teaching Assistant
1. Purpose of a Higher Level Teaching Assistant
2. Role of a Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Lo2: Understand the Continuing Professional Development (Cpd) Requirements for Higher Level Teaching Assistants
1. Purpose of CPD and How it Affects Practice
2. Use of Advice and Feedback to Improve Performance
Lo3: Understand How to Work as a Team Member and Identify Opportunities for Working With Colleagues, Managing Their Work Where Appropriate and Sharing the Development of Effective Practice With Them
1. Importance of Team Work and Identifying Different Team Roles
2. Workplace Collaboration
3. Managing and Developing the Effective Practice of Appropriate Team Members
Unit 02: Child Development and Well-being
Study Materials
Lo1: Know the Different Stages of Child Development
1. Stages of Physical, Social and Intellectual Development
Lo2: Know the Factors That Can Influence and Affect Children’s Development and How These Practice
1.External and Personal Factors that Affect Child Development
2.Theories to Support Development
3. Types of Changes That Affect a Child’s Development or Wellbeing
4. Referral Assessment of Special Educational Needs
Lo3: Understand How to Recognise and Respect the Contribution That Parents and Carers Can Make to the Development and Wellbeing of Children and Young People
1. Parents and Carers Contributions for the Development and Well-being of Children and Young People
Lo4: Understand How Frameworks That Support the Development and Wellbeing of Children and Young People Impact Upon Their Practice
1. Frameworks That Support Development and Well-being of Children
Unit 03: Supporting Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs
Study Materials
Lo1: Understand How to Support Learners in Accessing the Curriculum in Accordance With the Special Educational Needs (Sen) Code of Practice and Disabilities Legislation
1. Legal Entitlement of Children and Young People with Special Educational Needs
Lo2: Understand How to Promote Promote Equality, Diversity and Inclusion When Working With Children and Young People
1. Legislation and Codes of Practice to Promote Equality and Diversity
2. Experience and Impact of Prejudice and Discrimination and Applying Principles of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Lo3: Understand How to Support Children and Young People With Learning Difficulties
1. Types of Special Educational Needs and Ways of Supporting Children and Young People with Learning Difficulties
Lo4: Know and Understand the Special Educational Needs for Learners With Sensory and/or Physical Needs
1. Effects of a Disability on Children and Young People
2. Nature of Sensory or Physical Needs and Roles and Responsibilities of Others and Assistive Technology
Lo5: Understand How to Support Children and Young People With English as an Additional Language
1. Language and Vocabulary Appropriate to the Age of the Learner, Level of Understanding and Proficiency
2. Ways of Introducing Words and Language Structures
Unit 04: Promoting Childen and Young Peoples Positive Behaviour
Study Materials
Lo1: Understand the Policies and Procedures for Promoting Positive Behaviour
1. Policies and Procedures to Promote Positive Behaviour
2. Importance of Consistency and Fairness When Applying Boundaries and Rules for Behaviour
Lo2: Be Able to Promote the Positive Values and Attitudes and Behaviour Expected From Children and Young People
1. Promoting Positive Values, Attitudes and Behaviour
2. Ways of Establishing Ground Rules
3. Effective Strategies to Promote Positive Values, Attitudes and Behaviour
Lo3: Be Able to Respond to Inappropriate and Challenging Behaviour From Children and Young People
1. Patterns and Triggers of Challenging behaviour and Actions
2. Inappropriate and Challenging Behaviour Management
3. Supporting Children and Young People to Identify and Avoid Inappropriate Behaviour
4. How to Deal with Bullying, Harassment or Oppressive Behaviour
Lo4: Be Able to Contribute to Reviews of Behaviour and Behaviour Policies
1. Contributing to Reviews of Behaviour and Behaviour Policies
Observation Checklist
- Observation Report – Unit 4
Unit 05: Working with Individual and Groups of Learners
Study Materials
Lo1: Understand Working With Individuals and With Small Groups
1. Preparing the Resources Required for Planned Learning Activities
2. Developing and Adapting Resources to Meet the Needs of Individuals and Group
3. Learning Support Strategies to Meet the Needs of Individuals and Group
4. Health, Safety, Security and Access Requirements of the Learning Environment
5. Giving Attention to Learners for Balancing the Needs of Individuals and Group
6. Assessing Learners’ Participation and Progress in Activities
7. How to Provide Feedback Effectively
8. Evaluating How Own Knowledge, Understanding and Skills Impact on Practice of Individuals and Group
Unit 06: Positive Working Relationships
Study Materials
Lo1: Communicate Effectively and Sensitively With Children, Young People, Colleagues, Parents and Carers
1. Effective Communication with Children and Colleagues
2. Communicating Effectively with Parents and Carers
3. Commitment to Collaborative and Cooperative Working with Colleagues
Observation Checklist
- Observation Report – Unit 6
Unit 07: Curriculum Planning, Monitoring, Delivery and Assesment
Study Materials
Lo1: Be Able to Teach Challenging, Wellorganised Lessons Across the Age and Ability Range
1. Teaching Strategies
2. Designing Opportunities for Learners to Develop Their literacy, Numeracy, ICT and Thinking and Learning Skills
3. How Learners’ Prior Knowledge and Attainment Enables Them to Meet Learning Objectives
4. Appropriate Language to Suit the Age and Ability of Learners
5. Management of Individual, Group and Whole-Class Learning
6. Appropriate Teaching to Suit the Stage of the Lesson and the Needs of the Learners
Lo2: Be Able to Use Ict Skills to Advance Learning
1. Opportunities for Using ICT to Support Pupils’ Learning and Its Impact
2. Encouraging Pupils to Use ICT to Solve Problems, Work Collaboratively and Find Out New Information
Lo3: Be Able to Use an Appropriate Range of Strategies for Setting Learning Objectives and Monitoring Progress and Attainment
1. Providing Constructive Feedback
2. Supporting and Guiding Learners
3. Using Assessment to Diagnose Learner’s Needs
Lo4: Be Able to Maintain and Analyse Records of Learners’ Progress
1. Monitoring Learners’ Learning Progress
Observation Checklist
- Observation Report – Unit 7
Assignment Submission Checklist
- Assignment Submission Checklist
Submit Your Assignments – Level 4 Certificate for Higher Level Teaching Assistants